
Primers are base coats designed to be applied to all metal surfaces to protect them against rust and improve paint adhesion. They have the same base as the standard paints and can be used with any shade or color. SIZE: 400ml. COLOURS: TRANSPARENT, GREY, RED, WHITE.

Wheel rime

Wheel rim sprays are metallic paints formulated for enhanced durability under the wear and tear inflicted on a car’s wheels. Both these popular colors (silver and gold) enhance the wheel rims and protect them against wear and rust.  




Undercoating black

Rust-inhibiting automobile wax, based on special high spec waxes for maximum durability and resistance whatever the climatic conditions. Penetrates easily to hard-to-get-at parts of the car that are exposed to water, creating a permanent and impermeable elastic film for exceptional rust protection. Available in two formats: 450ml spray and 1000ml gun. 




Easy spray waterbased

For professional use. The dealer will add the color you desire. Use the special prepared aerosol as soon as possible after preparation. S

IZE: 400ml



Easy spray 030

Un spray special, umplut in prealabil, pentru uz profesional. Vanzatorul adauga culoarea dorita, selectand-o distr-o gama inepuizabila de nuante. Ambalaj: 400ml.

Glet de umplutura 343

Apartine seriei de stratificare, avand capacitatea de a umple si de a acoperi mici zgarieturi inainte de vopsire, scapandu-ne astfel de chituire. Este un glet diluat, gata preparat si de buna calitate, ideal pentru toate suprafetele, in afara de cele plastice. Poate fi slefuit, spalat si putem aplica pe acesta orice fel de vopsea. Ambalaj: 400ml.. Culori: Gri, crem.

Bare protectoare autoturisme

Vopsele speciale pentru barele protectoare ale autoturismelor si in general pentru suprafete dure din plastic. Au o adezivitate excelenta, sunt incasabile, rezista la solicitari si la lovituri provocare de pietricele si reprezinta o solutie ideala pentru restabilirea barelor de protectie distruse, spoilere etc. Le puteti folosi pe orice suprafata din plastic dur, in afara de teflon si polipropilena. Ofera suprafetei un finisaj satinat. Ambalaj: 400ml.





A combination of Rubber and Synthetic Resin Stone Chip, excellent adhesion and flexibility. Fast drying, textured coating, can be painted over.  

SIZE: 400ml. COLOURS: Grey, White, Black.